Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα SisterWUD. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα SisterWUD. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τρίτη 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2023

Υπάρχουμε! 13/12 Nós, Mulheres que Usamos Drogas, Existimos! - Conferência #Evawud23

    Honoured and proud to be invited to speak at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon
about us,
the Women of Europe who Use Drugs.
December 13.

    Τιμή και χαρά μου που είμαι καλεσμένη αύριο 13 Δεκεμβρίου το πρωί, στο Ινστιτούτο Κοινωνικών Επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου της Λισαβόνας,
να μιλήσω για τις Γυναίκες της Ευρώπης που κάνουν χρήση παράνομων ουσιών. 

'Οι Γυναίκες που παίρνουμε ναρκωτικά ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΜΕ'

Nós, Mulheres que Usamos Drogas, Existimos! - Conferência MANAS

Entre 25 de novembro e 10 de dezembro, desenvolve-se a campanha internacional #UNITE pela Eliminação da Violência contra as Mulheres. São 16 dias de ação promovidos pelas Nações Unidas. Paralelamente, o GAT alia-se também à Conferência pela Eliminação da Violência Contra as Mulheres que Usam Drogas (EVAWUD)/SisterWUD, campanha promovida pela Rede Internacional de Mulheres e Redução de Riscos (WHRIN) em parceria com a Rede Europeia de Pessoas que Usam Drogas (EuroNPUD), pela necessidade de acabar com a violência contra as mulheres que sobrevivem a múltiplas vulnerabilidades, entre estas, mulheres que usam drogas.

De modo a assinalar esta iniciativa, a conferência é organizada pelo grupo comunitário MANAS, nascido em 2020 de e para mulheres sobreviventes a múltiplas violências, que através da redução de riscos, do apoio mútuo e de práticas artísticas e de bem-estar, encontram o fio condutor para as suas atividades. Organizam a Conferência “Nós, mulheres que usamos drogas, existimos” no dia 13 de dezembro entre as 9h30 e 18h00, no Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS-ULisboa) - no auditório Seda Nunes.

Visa-se que a presente conferência seja um evento comunitário, científico e político, reunindo diferentes vozes, experiências e conhecimentos que permitam refletir sobre as vivências, sobrevivências e lutas das mulheres que usam drogas e co-construir soluções que permitam dar respostas às necessidades e especificidades desta comunidade.

Convidamos a apoiar todo o trabalho e atividades do grupo comunitário MANAS, adquirindo o nosso merchandising ou através de donativos.

Doar aqui | Inscrições aqui

Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS-ULisboa)
13 dezembro, 9h30 - 18h

9h30 - Acolhimento e registo de participantes

10h00 - Seminário de abertura: Dados, Políticas Públicas e Recomendações
Moderadora: Maria Luísa Salazar, GAT IN Mouraria
- Marta Maia, Vice-Presidente do GAT
- Graça Vilar, Diretora de Serviços de Planeamento e Intervenção do SICAD
- Daphne Chronopoulou, EuroNPUD Chair
- Roberto Falanga, Investigador ICS-Universidade de Lisboa
- Isabel Pires, Deputada da Assembleia da República

11h00 - Coffee Break e Performance
Leitura de Fanzines

11h30 - Mesa Redonda 1 - Saúde sob o olhar do género
Moderadora: Joana Assunção, GAT Par a Par
- Linda Montanari, Cientista principal no Observatório Europeu da Droga e Toxicodependência
- Ana Neto, Médica Psiquiatra da Unidade de Alcoologia de Lisboa
- Cristiana Vale Pires, Psicóloga e Investigadora FEP-UCP e Kosmicare
- Vera Silva, Investigadora CRIA Universidade de Coimbra, Observatório Europeu das Prisões
- José Caldas, Investigador ISPUP

13h00 - Almoço Livre

14h00 - Mesa redonda 2 - Intervenções-piloto dirigidas às mulheres que usam drogas
Moderadora: Gabi Oliveira e Rita Pyrriat, GAT Intendente/MANAS
- Cátia Alves e Luana Lória, Intendente Insurgente
- Paula Olas, Consulta DiverGENTE
- Ligia Parodi, EuroNPUD, CASO
- Luísa e Elda, Associação SOMOS
- Magda Ferreira e Anastácia Roda, GAT MANAS
- Rosário Costa e Patrícia Pestana, GAT IN Mouraria

15h30 - Coffee Break

16h30 – Seminário de Encerramento: Reflexões e Contributos para uma Política de Drogas Feminista e Interseccional
Moderadora: Joana Canêdo, doutoranda e ativista
- Joaquim Fonseca, Coordenador da Divisão de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências (DICAD | ARSLVT, IP)
- Paula Marques, Vereadora Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML)
- Inês Amaro, Diretora do Departamento de Desenvolvimento Social do Instituto Segurança Social
- Sandra Ribeiro, Presidente da Comissão para a Igualdade de Género (CIG)
- Luís Mendão, Diretor de Advocacia, Políticas de Saúde e Relações Externas, GAT
- Representantes do Coletivo MANAS


Grupo comunitário de mulheres que usam drogas, reivindicam a sua existência e direitos em conferência.

Contamos que este seja um encontro comunitário, científico e político, com as mulheres que usam drogas no centro da reflexão e debate, atingindo as respostas às necessidades das mulheres que usam drogas.


Τετάρτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Narcofeminist Advocacy at CEDAW


We, the EuroNPUD SisterWUD invite you to our Webinar:
'Narcofeminist Advocacy at CEDAW (Committee for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women)'

Dec 1, 2023 13:00 GMT/ 14:00 CET/ 15:00 ECT

[Translated Captions in many languages are offered]

You may register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudumhqz0uHNTsQaQZJSyOpV4hw2QDjyZN

Our Narcofeminist Advocacy at the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) webinar is coming up on the 1st of December.
EuroNPUD SisterWUD aims to increase and strengthen the involvement of women who use drugs in human rights mechanisms such as CEDAW, and this webinar based on peer-led pathways has the collaboration of the Women Harm Reduction Network (WHRIN) and the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD).
To register, use the QR code or the link below:

Κυριακή 26 Νοεμβρίου 2023

ΟΧΙ στη βία προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά #EvaWUD23 #16μέρες #16days


Ναι στην ελευθερία σωμάτων και πνευμάτων.

ΟΧΙ στη βια προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά.


#16days #16μέρες

25 Νοεμβρίου-10 Δεκεμβρίου



Όπως κάθε χρόνο, εμείς οι γυναίκες που κάνουμε/κάναμε χρήση απαγορευμένων ουσιών, διεκδικούμε το δικαιωμά μας να ζούμε δίχως βία και φόβο.

EvaWUD: η ετήσια Καμπάνια μας για την Εξάλειψη της βίας κατά των γυναικών που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά.

H ΕuroNPUD SisterWUD, εμείς οι ΓYΝΑΙΚΧΣ της EuroNPUD Public (ευρωπαϊκού δικτύου ατόμων που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά) σε συνεργασία και πάνω σε μια ιδέα της διεθνούς οργάνωσης WHRIN (Women Harm Reduction International) ενωθήκαμε και φέτος στην καμπάνια ευαισθητοποίησης κατά της βίας προς τις γυναίκες της κοινότητάς μας.

25 Νοεμβρίου, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα για την Εξάλειψη της Βίας κατά των Γυναικών, ξεκινάμε 16 ημέρες δράσης ως τις 10 Δεκεμβρίου, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα. 

Μέλος βεβαίως είναι και το Δίκτυο Ομότιμων Χρηστών .Ψυχοδ/κων Ουσιών-PeerNUPS μαζί με τις ομάδες των  Ευρωπαίων Ναρκοαδελφών μας:





Chemical Sisters 


Nouvelle Aube 

HR M2M (Harm Reduction Mother2Mother) 



Φοράμε κάτι πορτοκαλί (χρώμα της καμπάνιας ΟΗΕ), οργανώνουμε δράσεις και δημοσιοποιούμε φωτογραφίες και πληροφορίες.

Αν θέλετε να μας στηρίξετε κοινοποιήστε ή δημοσιεύστε φωτογραφία σας με με κάτι πορτοκαλί με το σύνθημα και τα #hashtags μας:

#EvaWUD #16days #16μέρες

25 Νοεμβρίου-10 Δεκεμβρίου


Ναι στην ελευθερία σωμάτων και πνευμάτων

ΟΧΙ στη βια προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά





Campaign to Eliminate Violence Against Women who Use Drugs (EVAWUD) including trans and gender non-conforming people.


With the International campaign for the elimination of violence against women, the EuroNPUD SisterWUD and WHRIN call for an end to all forms of violence against women who use drugs.








The Elimination of Violence Against Women who Use Drugs (EVAWUD) is a campaign launched by the Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN). It is 16 days of campaigning that runs from the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, through to the International Human Rights Day on December 10th 2023.

EVAWUD as a campaign has been integral in galvanising the organisational development of women who use drugs. These groups stem from grassroots activism, community-led service providers, mutual aid groups and advocacy organisations.

EuroNPUD’s growing Women’s Team (the SisterWUD) has used the EVAWUD campaign to support the sustainability, impactful advocacy and strengthening of women who use drugs across Europe and its neighbouring countries. 

Artwork by the indomitable @maligneando


Daphne in Vero, Mykonos
Daphne Chronopoulou, Vero

Vero- Mykonos

Bibliotheque, Εξάρχεια
EvaWUD 23 Bibliotheque

Τρίτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2023

Crowdfund to support our Women’s Team ‘SisterWUD’


The European Network of People Who Use Drugs is launching a crowdfund to support our Women’s Team ‘SisterWUD’

About the Campaign:

The Elimination of Violence Against Women who Use Drugs (EVAWUD) is a campaign launched by the Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN). It is 16 days of campaigning that runs from the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, through to the International Human Rights Day on December 10th 2023.

EVAWUD as a campaign has been integral in galvanising the organisational development of women who use drugs. These groups stem from grassroots activism, community-led service providers, mutual aid groups and advocacy organisations. 

About EuroNPUD

The European Network of People Who Use Drugs (EuroNPUD) promotes health and defends human rights of people who use drugs in Europe and its neighbouring countries through self-organising, developing technical resources, capacity strengthening, and advocacy.

EuroNPUD’s growing Women’s Team (the SisterWUD) has used the EVAWUD campaign to support the sustainability, impactful advocacy and strengthening of women who use drugs across Europe and its neighbouring countries. 

Links to SisterWUD: 

What have we done in past years?

EuroNPUD has from the start been a central partner in the EVAWUD campaign. It has historically been funded with support from WHRIN, and in 2020 and 2021 we were able to use savings during COVID-19. 

Take a look at some of our past campaign efforts:

Why are we fundraising?

EuroNPUD has been working to develop a new donor to support our Women’s Team. EuroNPUD is grateful to the support of ViiV Europe bringing dedicated resources to our Women’s Team, building on the initial investment of the Robert Carr Fund for Civil Society Networks. We are hopeful that our other ongoing fund-raising strategies will allow us to fund EVAWUD from 2024 onward.

For 2023, EuroNPUD has used savings to create a fund of €1250 to support project management, designer and translation costs.

With the support of WHRIN, some EuroNPUD groups will have access to very limited grants which will be shared between groups unable to self-fund. 

We are fundraising to offer grants that support meaningful campaign activities, as well as the inclusion of new groups of women who use drugs who want to join the campaign. The SisterWUD’s advocacy and campaigning ambition is growing, and we don’t want to stifle this momentum! Drug user groups in Europe can make small amounts of money go a long way! 

If we can raise €3000 we can support 6 countries with small grants of €500 each. Each country group will use this grant toward an unique action based on their country context. Anything raised beyond €3000 will go to supporting grants to additional groups from new countries. Past grants have supported activists from France, Greece, Scotland, England, Italy, Portugal, and Spain to name a few.

Please help the SisterWUD campaign on the ground at country level against gender-based violence targeted at women who use drugs! Donate if you can afford to and please help amplify the campaign by sharing it with your networks.


The European Network of People Who Use Drugs

instagram: @euronpud_official
twitter/x: @euronpudO

You can also find us on Facebook and LinkedIn!
