Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα INPUD_EuroNPUD. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα INPUD_EuroNPUD. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τετάρτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Narcofeminist Advocacy at CEDAW


We, the EuroNPUD SisterWUD invite you to our Webinar:
'Narcofeminist Advocacy at CEDAW (Committee for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women)'

Dec 1, 2023 13:00 GMT/ 14:00 CET/ 15:00 ECT

[Translated Captions in many languages are offered]

You may register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudumhqz0uHNTsQaQZJSyOpV4hw2QDjyZN

Our Narcofeminist Advocacy at the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) webinar is coming up on the 1st of December.
EuroNPUD SisterWUD aims to increase and strengthen the involvement of women who use drugs in human rights mechanisms such as CEDAW, and this webinar based on peer-led pathways has the collaboration of the Women Harm Reduction Network (WHRIN) and the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD).
To register, use the QR code or the link below:

Κυριακή 26 Νοεμβρίου 2023

ΟΧΙ στη βία προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά #EvaWUD23 #16μέρες #16days


Ναι στην ελευθερία σωμάτων και πνευμάτων.

ΟΧΙ στη βια προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά.


#16days #16μέρες

25 Νοεμβρίου-10 Δεκεμβρίου



Όπως κάθε χρόνο, εμείς οι γυναίκες που κάνουμε/κάναμε χρήση απαγορευμένων ουσιών, διεκδικούμε το δικαιωμά μας να ζούμε δίχως βία και φόβο.

EvaWUD: η ετήσια Καμπάνια μας για την Εξάλειψη της βίας κατά των γυναικών που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά.

H ΕuroNPUD SisterWUD, εμείς οι ΓYΝΑΙΚΧΣ της EuroNPUD Public (ευρωπαϊκού δικτύου ατόμων που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά) σε συνεργασία και πάνω σε μια ιδέα της διεθνούς οργάνωσης WHRIN (Women Harm Reduction International) ενωθήκαμε και φέτος στην καμπάνια ευαισθητοποίησης κατά της βίας προς τις γυναίκες της κοινότητάς μας.

25 Νοεμβρίου, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα για την Εξάλειψη της Βίας κατά των Γυναικών, ξεκινάμε 16 ημέρες δράσης ως τις 10 Δεκεμβρίου, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα. 

Μέλος βεβαίως είναι και το Δίκτυο Ομότιμων Χρηστών .Ψυχοδ/κων Ουσιών-PeerNUPS μαζί με τις ομάδες των  Ευρωπαίων Ναρκοαδελφών μας:





Chemical Sisters 


Nouvelle Aube 

HR M2M (Harm Reduction Mother2Mother) 



Φοράμε κάτι πορτοκαλί (χρώμα της καμπάνιας ΟΗΕ), οργανώνουμε δράσεις και δημοσιοποιούμε φωτογραφίες και πληροφορίες.

Αν θέλετε να μας στηρίξετε κοινοποιήστε ή δημοσιεύστε φωτογραφία σας με με κάτι πορτοκαλί με το σύνθημα και τα #hashtags μας:

#EvaWUD #16days #16μέρες

25 Νοεμβρίου-10 Δεκεμβρίου


Ναι στην ελευθερία σωμάτων και πνευμάτων

ΟΧΙ στη βια προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά





Campaign to Eliminate Violence Against Women who Use Drugs (EVAWUD) including trans and gender non-conforming people.


With the International campaign for the elimination of violence against women, the EuroNPUD SisterWUD and WHRIN call for an end to all forms of violence against women who use drugs.








The Elimination of Violence Against Women who Use Drugs (EVAWUD) is a campaign launched by the Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN). It is 16 days of campaigning that runs from the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, through to the International Human Rights Day on December 10th 2023.

EVAWUD as a campaign has been integral in galvanising the organisational development of women who use drugs. These groups stem from grassroots activism, community-led service providers, mutual aid groups and advocacy organisations.

EuroNPUD’s growing Women’s Team (the SisterWUD) has used the EVAWUD campaign to support the sustainability, impactful advocacy and strengthening of women who use drugs across Europe and its neighbouring countries. 

Artwork by the indomitable @maligneando


Daphne in Vero, Mykonos
Daphne Chronopoulou, Vero

Vero- Mykonos

Bibliotheque, Εξάρχεια
EvaWUD 23 Bibliotheque

Τρίτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2023

Crowdfund to support our Women’s Team ‘SisterWUD’


The European Network of People Who Use Drugs is launching a crowdfund to support our Women’s Team ‘SisterWUD’

About the Campaign:

The Elimination of Violence Against Women who Use Drugs (EVAWUD) is a campaign launched by the Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN). It is 16 days of campaigning that runs from the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, through to the International Human Rights Day on December 10th 2023.

EVAWUD as a campaign has been integral in galvanising the organisational development of women who use drugs. These groups stem from grassroots activism, community-led service providers, mutual aid groups and advocacy organisations. 

About EuroNPUD

The European Network of People Who Use Drugs (EuroNPUD) promotes health and defends human rights of people who use drugs in Europe and its neighbouring countries through self-organising, developing technical resources, capacity strengthening, and advocacy.

EuroNPUD’s growing Women’s Team (the SisterWUD) has used the EVAWUD campaign to support the sustainability, impactful advocacy and strengthening of women who use drugs across Europe and its neighbouring countries. 

Links to SisterWUD: 

What have we done in past years?

EuroNPUD has from the start been a central partner in the EVAWUD campaign. It has historically been funded with support from WHRIN, and in 2020 and 2021 we were able to use savings during COVID-19. 

Take a look at some of our past campaign efforts:

Why are we fundraising?

EuroNPUD has been working to develop a new donor to support our Women’s Team. EuroNPUD is grateful to the support of ViiV Europe bringing dedicated resources to our Women’s Team, building on the initial investment of the Robert Carr Fund for Civil Society Networks. We are hopeful that our other ongoing fund-raising strategies will allow us to fund EVAWUD from 2024 onward.

For 2023, EuroNPUD has used savings to create a fund of €1250 to support project management, designer and translation costs.

With the support of WHRIN, some EuroNPUD groups will have access to very limited grants which will be shared between groups unable to self-fund. 

We are fundraising to offer grants that support meaningful campaign activities, as well as the inclusion of new groups of women who use drugs who want to join the campaign. The SisterWUD’s advocacy and campaigning ambition is growing, and we don’t want to stifle this momentum! Drug user groups in Europe can make small amounts of money go a long way! 

If we can raise €3000 we can support 6 countries with small grants of €500 each. Each country group will use this grant toward an unique action based on their country context. Anything raised beyond €3000 will go to supporting grants to additional groups from new countries. Past grants have supported activists from France, Greece, Scotland, England, Italy, Portugal, and Spain to name a few.

Please help the SisterWUD campaign on the ground at country level against gender-based violence targeted at women who use drugs! Donate if you can afford to and please help amplify the campaign by sharing it with your networks.


The European Network of People Who Use Drugs

instagram: @euronpud_official
twitter/x: @euronpudO

You can also find us on Facebook and LinkedIn!


Τετάρτη 28 Ιουνίου 2023

Support. Don't Punish 2023


Support. Don't Punish is a global initiative advocating for harm reduction and drug policies that prioritize public health and human rights. The campaign seeks to place harm reduction on the political agenda as well as the rights of people who use drugs, strengthening the mobilising capacity of communities most affected and marginalised by the 'war on drugs', opening dialogue with policy makers and the wider community.

The social, cultural and economic crisis and the lack of investment in social policies, health, more specifically in the public policy sector for drugs; the scarcity of innovation and recent mentions of the criminalisation of consumers, puts the community of people who use drugs back in the unprotected position, experiencing multiple vulnerabilities aggravated since COVID19. Furthermore, prohibitionism is a political paradigm that has been gaining strength around the world and that marginalises, violates, incarcerates and oppresses people who use drugs. We refuse to backtrack on the rights of people who use drugs!

The "Support. Don't Punish takes place on June 26th (International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking). Historically, this date has been used by governments to showcase their "achievements" in coercively controlling communities of people who use drugs. The campaign's Global Day of Action seeks to give voice to the community and reclaim and change the narrative of this day. And so each year, a growing number of activists in hundreds of cities around the world join this unique and multifaceted demonstration against prohibitionism and multiple oppressions.

On this day, we carry out a "fight back" against the "war on drugs" contributing to change the course of history and highlight the community of people who use drugs as protagonists in the definition of more humane policies and services.

We demand 
  • rights to women using drugs and their children;
  • Opioid Antagonist Treatments accordingly to the principle my treatment my choice;
  • Harm reduction paraphernalia for stimulant use;
  • HIV presention in Eastern Europe Countries namely through universal needle exchange programs, aslo in prisons;
  • Safer spaces for women, trans women and non-binaries using drugs;
  • Investment in public health and community organizing instead of funding police and dissuasion;
  • Fostering space for peer-led initiatives among drug users organizations in decision making process
On this day we claim more spaces for the politicization of people who use drugs, and more active participation in the design, implementation and evaluation of what concerns us: "nothing about us without us!"

In solidarity
EuroNPUD for June26/ 

#SupportDontPunish #SDP23 

Σάββατο 24 Ιουνίου 2023

Tέχνη και υποκατάστατα εν καιρώ πολέμου: #Ουκρανία τώρα...

Ο Γιάνκο Μπελίν,  ο Σλοβένος κινηματογραφιστής  (και δικός μας: από τους πρωτοεμπνευστές του EuroNPUD, του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου ανθρώπων που παίρνουν/έπαιρναν ναρκωτικά)  ταξίδεψε  και κατέγραψε και μας στέλνει μια πρώτη γεύση. Φρέσκο-φρέσκο το σύντομο απόσπασμα, για να πάρουμε μια ιδέα.  

‘Έστω κι αν ακόμα οι υπότιτλοι είναι σε αυτόματη μετάφραση,  είμαι υπερήφανη το μοιράζομαι μαζί σας.

Μια επίσκεψη στη Ζαρίνα. Ζαπορόζυε, Ουκρανίας, Ιούνιος 2023.*

Tέχνη και υποκατάστατα εν καιρώ πολέμου: #Ουκρανία τώρα...



Ο Γιάνκο περιγράφει το σύντομο απόσπασμα::«

«Το ταξίδι  στην Ουκρανία ξεκίνησε από το Ζαπορόζυε. Ο συνάδελφός μου Ντένυς  και εγώ επισκεφτήκαμε τη Ζαρίνα καλλιτέχνιδα που δημιουργεί μικρά έργα. 

Αυτό το video είναι μόνο το teaser trailer μια πρώτη γεύση.  Αυτή τη στιγμή όλες οι ηχογραφήσεις βρίσκονται στο μεταφραστικό στάδιο και απομένει πολλή δουλειά ακόμα μέχρι την τελική επεξεργασία του ντοκιμαντέρ.»


The visit to Ukraine began in Zaporozhye

Ακολουθούν το πρωτότυπο και μετάφραση στα αγγλικά*.


Janko Belin:

                Obisk pri Zarini; Zaporožje, Junij 2023

 “Obisk Ukrajine se je začel v Zaporožju. S kolegom Denysom sva obiskala Zarino, umetnico, ki ustvarja majhne umetnine tako rekoč iz nič. To, kar vidite je zgolj teaser. Trenutno so vsi posnetki v fazi prevajanja in do končne obdelave dokumentarca je še kar nekaj dela.”


Notes and translation IN ENGLISH

*A visit to Zarina; Zaporozhye, June 2023

**The visit to Ukraine began in Zaporozhye. My colleague Denys and I visited Zarina, an artist who creates small works of art practically from scratch. What you see is just a teaser. At the moment, all the recordings are in the translation phase and there is still a lot of work to be done before the final processing of the documentary.

Teaser:  https://youtu.be/pqrFxcps5t0

Μια επίσκεψη στο Obisk pri Zarini; Zaporožje, Junij 2023