H Καταλωνία έχει εδώ και δεκαετίες ένα προοδευτικότατο νόμο για τη χρήση ουσιών, ο οποίος έχει δώσει δυνατότητα σε πολλούς ανθρώπους να επιβιώσουν και να ζήσουν με αξιοπρέπεια.
Υπεύθυνη κατά πολύ ήταν η Δρ Tre Borras που άδικα απολύθηκε από τη σημαντική της θέση ως Διευθύντρια Υπηρεσιών Ναρκοεξάρτησης και Διανοητικής Υγείας.
Ας υπογράψουμε να διορθωθεί η αδικία. Τη χρειαζόμαστε τη γιατρό μας.
Catalonia has had an innovative and pioneering harm reduction approach for several decades now. There is no doubt that this is the reason that so many people have been able to access the support they need to live healthier and better lives.
This has been possible in the most part due to the work that has been done by the Dr Tre Borras over many years. She has now been unfairly dismissed from the position as the Director of the Drug Dependence and Mental Health Services for the hospital of Reus for robustly defending this model of approach which has positively impacted so many people who may not be alive today had it not been for the work of Dr Borras.
This action is not just unfair but also risks a lifesaving and changing model of intervention which is community based and innovative being put at risk.
We would appreciate if you could take just a couple of minutes from your day to sign this petition of support and share: https://forms.office.com/e/nee4Futh4E
The surprise comes from our awareness that the Service has unfolded a successful array of intervention in the field of drug use, that have become a model thanks to their comprehensiveness –precisely that quality so prised and preached by policymakers–:
- Based on an understanding of drugs as a complex phenomenon, Dr. Borràs’ Service has consolidated assistance continuously fed back, and connected to cutting-edge research (for example, with regards to the use of ibogaine);
- a strong commitment to risks and harm reduction policies, which are the future of interventions when applied to all aspects in the field;
- a community-based and interdisciplinary approach allowing the Service to articulate the biomedical and social aspects associated with drug use phenomena and disorders processes they need to attend;
- a notable presence in local, national, and international networks, root to the Service’s recognized impact and continuous innovations.
All this with clear leadership, strengthening the project as a whole.
A measure like the one that has motivated this letter appears to us as extremely negative, when acknowledging that in this Reus, beyond the speeches and statements, the praised concepts of interdisciplinarity, management of complexity, comprehensiveness, socio-sanitary articulation, community-based intervention, leadership capacity, etc., have become an interesting reality (including an example at an international level), fully embedded into Catalonia’s Public Health system.
For all these reasons, we call for the continuity of the model represented by the Reus Action Plan on Drugs.
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