Παρασκευή 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

Κοπάδι προβάτων έφαγε 100 κιλά κάνναβη


          Μια περίεργη και χιουμοριστική είδηση έρχεται από τον Αλμυρό του Βόλου, στη σκιά των καταστροφών που προκάλεσαν οι πυρκαγιές και οι πλημμύρες. Δύο κοπάδια προβάτων, στην προσπάθειά τους να βρουν τροφή σε ένα κατεστραμμένο τοπίο, εισέβαλαν σε μια μεγάλη καλλιέργεια φαρμακευτικής κάνναβης και κατανάλωσαν περίπου 300 κιλά, με αποτέλεσμα να “ξεφύγουν” εντελώς.



One unexpected side effect of climate change: a load of very high sheep. 

Following extreme flooding in Greece, a herd of sheep that had been struggling to find fresh grass made their way into a greenhouse where medical cannabis was being grown. According to local media, once they got inside, the sheep polished off around 100 kilos of weed. 
The greenhouse owner said that much of the crop had been damaged by Storm Daniel and a heatwave earlier in the year, before the sheep finished “what was left”. A shepherd reportedly noticed strange behaviour in the herd....


On Greek tv he actually said that “they were very happy” which immediately created very negative reaction and he was cut when he tried to explain that the it is a “pharmaceutical plant”.





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