Πέμπτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2024

Αgainst #antimony mining in Amani #Chios

We are convinced "foreign Chians" from 10 different countries. We hereby express our full solidarity with all those on the island who are campaigning against antimony mining in Amani.

We all love this island, many of us have been coming to Chios for decades.

We have found an important piece of home here.

The island's nature and culture are close to our hearts and we want to help preserve this special beauty for the future.

In our opinion, the planned antimony mining in Amani poses a massive and irreversible threat to the environment.

We therefore support those on the island who are fighting against these plans. 

Only a few would win, but all of us who love the island would lose.

Philippe Ressing, Germany, author of the travel guide book „Chios“, since 2004 

Caroline Wenzel, Germany, tv journalist + book author, since 2004 

Helga Franziska Hiebl, Austria, public relations officer, since 2013 

Armin Wibmer, Austria, IT project manager, since 2013 

Sigrid Kossak, Austria, midwife, since 2018 

Viviane Loschetter, Luxembourg, social pedagogue, since 1989 

Gilbert Graf, Luxembourg, mediator, since 1992 

Michel Speltz, Luxembourg, professor, since 1993 

Renée Kraemer, Luxembourg, teacher, since 1994 

Marie-Antoninette Fiermonte, Luxembourg, teacher, since 1989

Martine Ernzer, Luxembourg, retired, since 1994

Marcel Deneve, Belgium, musician, since 1998

Lidewij Helsloot, Netherlands, ceramist, since 2014

Kristen Rasmussen, USA, Lecturer UC Berkeley Study Program in Chios, since 2021

Rosaria Pescara, Italy, psychiatrist, since 2000

Silvana Galderisi, Italy, university professor, since 1990

Maria Kostazou, Italy, linguistic and cultural mediator, since 1975

Gisela Besch, Germany, retired, since 1993

Luigi Nuzzi, Italy, engineer, since 1990

Armida Mucci, Italy, psychiatrist, since 1993

Edvige Ciani, Italy, lawyer, since 2011

Giovanni Paesano, Italy, engineer, since 2011

Adriana Galderisi, Italy, university professor, since 1990

Clara Donzelli, Italy, judge, since 2011

Mariette Braun, Luxembourg, retired, since 1987

Michelle Dormal, Belgium, social worker, since 2022

Tessy Didier, Luxembourg, social worker, since 2023

Richard Graf, Luxembourg, journalist, since 2022

Francoise Wagner, Luxembourg, retired, since 2022

Danièle Wolf, Switzerland, pedagogue, since 2018

Ilernando Meoli, Italy, doctor, since 1995

Gaetano Burrattini, Italy, economist, since 1990

Giorgio Fiaschini, Italy, train operations manager, since 2000

Renée Loschetter, Luxembourg, retired engineer, since 2018

Christiane Schober, Germany, tv journalist, since 2008

Christoph Dudenbostel, Germany, lawyer, since 2008

Bernd Kirchhoff, Germany, family therapist

Gesine Kauffmann, Germany, psychotherapist 

Michaela Funk, Germany, tv journalist, retired, since 2013

Susanne Goldschmidt, Germany, social worker

Klaus Hackenbruch, Germany, trainer and coach, since 2021

Edith Wintersohl, Germany, osteopath, since 2021

Wilma Bier, Belgium, florist, retired, since 2003

Rony Vagenende, Belgium, Federal Government Finance, retired, since 2003

Sander Vagenende, Belgium, since 2003

Anna Galow, Germany, musician

Carlo Torre, Italy, teacher, since 2014

Fabrizia Forte, Italy, since 2023

Jean Braghini, France, retired lawyer, since 2001

Manuela Braghini, France, HR consultant, since 2001

Selim Birsel, Turkey, artist, since 2016

Ayca Telgeren, Turkey, artist, since 2020

Asya Birsel Turkey, since 2016

Ege Birsel, Turkey, since 2016

Kari Ødegaerd, Norway, retired architect, since 1980

Leo de Vries, Netherlands, retired employee of the airforce, since 2010

Elvira de Vries-van Turnhout, Netherlands, owner touristic pages about Chios, since 2010

Karen Heckner-Andreef, Germany, since 1999

Thomas Andreef, Germany, since 1999

Elsa Ågeby, Norway, nurse, since 1981

Åze Gabrielsson, Norway, occupational therapist, since 1981

Isa Ågeby, Norway, chiropodist, since 1981

Lis Ågeby, Norway, pensioner, since 1981

Ger van den Baard, Netherlands, retired, since 2001

Kitty van den Baard, Netherlands, retired, since 2001

Anne Liv Reinertsen, Norway, since 2004

Atle Davidsen, Norway, since 2004

Christian Riedl, Austria, hotel co-owner in Chios 

Lydia von Duren, Netherlands, since 1991

Per Morten Ellewsen, Norway, Chios Reiser / Chios in our hearts

Rianne van der Graaf, Netherlands, since 2014

Ralph van Laar, Netherlands, since 2014

Vera Rooyackers, Belgium, since 2000

Frederik Reul, Belgium, since 2000

Maria Zachariadis, Austria, retired, since 1966

Nikolaos Zachariadis, Austria, architect, since 1977

Anastasia Sfiri, Austria, psychologist, since 2005

Evtychia Kraus, Austria, nurse, since 1966

Stefan Kraus, Austria, technician, since 1994

Jaqueline Marinsek, Austria, retail employee, since 2009

Kurt Kienreich, Austria, retired, since 1994

Helga Kienreich, Austria, retired, since 1994

Heike Wenzel, Austria, graduate social worker, since 1994

Andree Wenzl, Austria, mechanic, since 2012

Romana Awad, Austria, retired, since 1996

Paul Bierings, Netherlands, retired mechanical engineer, since 2000

Wil Bierings, Netherlands, since 2000

Mirella Merckell, Switzerland, since 2015

Patrik Merckell, Switzerland, since 2015

Grace Avery, USA, business owner/operator, since 1984

Ulrike Wegerle, Germany, garment engineer, since 2021

Laura Guifrida, Italy, account in promotion agency, since 2019

Luigi Restelli, Italy, advertising, copy writer, since 2019

Flavia Menegatti, Italy, therapist

Michele Porta, Italy, geologist

Doortje van Lieshout, Netherlands, retired, since 1997

Carla Schilt, Switzerland

Felix Keller, Switzerland, since 2011

Verena Keller, Switzerland, since 2011

Georgina Heilig, Netherlands, tour guide, since 1990

Christine Jonckheere, Belgium, house renovation

John Inge Lovdal, Norway, program director, since 2017

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