Παρασκευή 28 Ιανουαρίου 2022

Ο κόσμος ανάποδα: "6 Women, 1 Seed" by Larissa Lewandovski

«Ο κόσμος ανάποδα.

Η κλέφτρα δεν έχει πού να κλέψει,

η πρεζού δε βρίσκει ντρόγκα,

η πουτάνα έχασε τις επαφές της....»

Εξαίσια underground Ποίηση (και αφήγηση) της φίλης και συνεργάτριάς μου Magda Mg, σε μια ταινία για τη βία προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά και δουλεύουν στο sex.


6 Γυναίκες ένας σπόρος- με αγγλικούς υποτίτλους και αφήγηση της  ποιήτριας, φίλης και συνεργάτιδας μου  Magda Mg, σε παραγωγή της υπερδραστήριας άλλης μου συνεργάτιδάς μου Joana Canedo.

Το ντοκιμαντέρ έγινε στα πλαίσια της καμπάνιας μας  EVAWUD #16μέρες κατά της βίας προς τις γυναίκες που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά. Η ομάδα 'Manas' (Αδελφές) είναι μια από τις Ομάδες του EuroNPUD SisterWUD της αδελφότητάς μας του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου ατόμων που παίρνουν ναρκωτικά [EuroNPUD SisterWUD]

I am so proud of you my Manas, 

Ναρκομάνες,  Ναρκοαδελφές μου!


“6 Women, 1 Seed” is a documentary directed by Larissa Lewandoski and produced by Joana Canedo, against violence on women who use drugs & do sex work. The documentary was born inside the campaign 16 days against violence on women using drugs (WUD) launched by WHRIN and EuroNPUD - SisterWUD. Since then, GAMEM (Peer support group among women exepriencing violence) started meeting and has become a group of WUD, migrants, sex workers, homeless women and non-binary people, who meet weekly in a cultural association - Sirigaita , scenario of coexistence among drugs, sex work and tourism in Lisbon. These are the stories and wishes of different women that are at the heart of this journey. First meeting happened in the street for discussing the documentary title among all the participants. In almost one year now, GAMEM has become MANAS (Sisters), a bigger group with different activities. MANAS has consolidated the construction of its identity, contributed to a diagnosis of aspirations, and extended its activities to artistic practices including video and dancing, promoting manifestations that permeate the right to live with freedom and to question power relations. In terms of advocacy, the group is grounded on common agendas: safer spaces for women and non-binary people, regulation of drugs & sex work, access to harm reduction services for women and non-binary people, access to health and social rights, particularly in the sexual and reproductive sphere - namely the right to maternity, always fighting back structural violence."


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