Κυριακή 4 Αυγούστου 2024

EuroNPUD presents Community Led Approaches to Hepatitis C Testing Treatment and Care


I am proud to share our webinar on our Boost project, a presentation and discussion of ‘Community Led Approaches to Hepatitis C Testing Treatment and Care’.


With special thanks to the speakers and all members who took part as viewers as well as the members of our community who work tirelessly for the wellbeing of our community.


The paper on the Hepatitis Bus from Norway John Melhus presented:

“Peer support in small towns: A decentralized mobile Hepatitis C virus clinic for people who inject drugs” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35362660/


The PDF of the resource, which can also be accessed via our website https://www.euronpud.net/resource/community-led-approaches-to-hcv-testing-treatment-and-care/


With special thanks to our partners @Correlation @gat portugal and proparnett





Featuring: Alexei Lakhov, Executive Director, EuroNPUD John Melhus, Peer Led Harm Reduction Project Manager, EuroNPUD Katrin Schiffer, Executive Director, Correlation Harm Reduction Network Maria Luisa Salazar, Coordinator, GAT InMouraria Lynn Jefferys, EuroNPUD Boost Activity Lead, EuroNPUD





#drugs #hepC #HarmReduction #health   #Boost_Project

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